Word Reporting
The word reporting module is a Microsoft Word add-in that acts as a bridge between DewesoftX and Word, allowing you to integrate data acquired within DewesoftX into your report document. Using the copy/paste mechnism, you can copy any display widget in any state (unzoomed, zoomed) and paste them into Word.
The Word Reporting installer can be found on the Dewesoft page under Support -> Downloads -> Dewesoft plugins -> Word Reporting
When the .exe file is run you need to press Install button and all the needed files will be copied to your PC.
NOTE: 32-bit Dewesoft requires 32-bit Microsoft Word, 64-bit Dewesoft requires 64-bit Microsoft Word
To check if the Word Reporting Add-in was properly installed inside Microsoft Word you should open Options -> Add-ins.
Linking Dewesoft with Word document
To use the Word reporting functionality you must first link the wanted Word document (.doc, .docx) with Dewesoft. Be careful, as Word reporting is only availabe when Dewesoft in Analyze mode. In the Option drop-down menu you will found the “Link with Word…” option. When you select this option, the explorer will open where the wanted Word document can be selected. If the Word document is not opened prior to linkage it will be opened automatically when selected.
When Dewesoft is properly linked with the Word document an additional button is shown in the top right corner, with the same name as the Word document.
The link will be stopped if:
- Dewesoft is closed,
- Dewesoft switches to Measure mode,
- the user unlinks the document,
- the linked Word document is closed
Actions inside Dewesoft
All possible Dewesoft actions connected to the Word Reporting are shown in the drop-down menu, when clicking to the button with the linked Word document’s name in the right corrner.
- Insert widget into Word - this option inserts the currently selected display widget into the linked Word document. This option is only available when a display widget is selected
- Update widget inside Word - this option updates the currently selected display widget that is linked with the Word document with its current design in Dewesoft. This option is enabled only when a display widget is selected
- Update visible widgets inside Words - this option updates all display widgets that are on the current display inside Dewesoft. This option is enabled only when you are in Analyze/Review mode
- Unlink with Word document - this option will unlink Dewesoft with the currently linked Word document. The Word document will remain open regardless of the unlink.
The first two actions can also be accessed by right-click on the widget.
Actions inside Word
All possible actions that can be performed inside Microsoft Word can be accesssed by right-clicking on the widget.
- Open widget inside Dewesoft - this option opens a data file in Dewesoft that contains the linked display widget. If any data file is opened at that time, you will be asked to save the file
- Copy widget as XML - this option copies the widget’s XML to the clipboard. If the content is pasted inside Dewesoft, the same widget will be created in the current display
- Update widget from Dewesoft - this option updates the selected display widget inside Word with its new design from DewesoftX.
Dewesoft reporting Add-in options
In the Add-in tab some additional settings can be adjusted.
This menu is used to locate Dewesoft data-files, from which we want to import display widgets. In the Lookup directories you have two predefined paths, which can not be removed. Additional directories can be added.
Default Dewesoft project folder -the same path defined as the default project path in Dewesoft.
Current document folder - the location of the Word document
Additional custom lookup directories can be added by clicking the Add new directory button. The lookup directory can be removed by clicking the “Remove selected” button.
When the Open widget inside Dewesoft action is called, the lookup direcotriy with the highest priority will be searched first. If a data-file is not located in this directory, the search will continue with a directory with the second highest priority. The priority of the loopup directory is defined by the position in the drop-down list. The first lookup directory has the highest priority. The priority of the lookup directories can also be changed with the Move up and Move down buttons.
When the user clicks on the display widget inside Word, the name of the linked Dewesoft data file is displayed.