
The legend widget prepare a list of channels with additional parameters and can be added to any different widgets manually or it can be directly linked to a choosen widget.

Shown channels

When Selected channels option is choosen the channels can be added to the widget in the same way as for any other widget. The cahnnels are selected from the availalbe channel list.

When Widget channels option is choosen, all channel from the choosen widget are added in Legend widget.


Different parameters can be shown inside the Legend widget, such as Color, Name, Description, Min, Max and Unit.

The rows in the legend widget can be also ordered by any of those choosen parameters.

Drawing options

Show header row option add the header to the Legend widget

Show grid lines options add grid lines in the Legend widget.

Position to widget option is only available when you choose you select the Widget channels option inside. When you press the arrow button the Legend widget is moved inside the assigned widget.