Array statistics

The array statistics can calculate the statistical value from the array.

There are several options which can be chosen:

  • Minimum finds minimum value from the array. There are two output channels created: class and value. The class will describe which index of the array holds the parameter and the value will be the minimum value itself.
  • Maximum finds maximum value from the array. There are two output channels created: class and value. The class will describe which index of the array holds the parameter and the value will be the maximum value itself.
  • Average calculates the average value of all elements from the array.
  • Sum calculates the sum of all elements from the array.
  • Variance calculates the variance of all elements from the array.

Array Area

The user can define use a full or custom array area for the calculation. When a Custom area is selected you can define the axis bounds in different ways.

Bound type

  • Indicies - the axis bounds are in the value of indices. With the help of the 2D/3D table you can see which value on the X-axis is related to which index.
  • Axes values - the axis bounds are in the value of axes values.

You can also define a Axis bound via channels. For this you need to enable the “Use channel values for bounds”.

NOTE: Only single value channels can be used for defining axis bounds