Full spectrum
When opening a new Full spectrum math function the following setup window will appear:
Full spectrum (two-sided Fourier) transform changes complex input signal from time to complex frequency domain. Input signal should be in the form of complex synchronous data (re, im). Real and imaginary part are usually gathered from two proximity probes installed in X and Y direction. Traditional spectrum provides no information regarding the direction of motion of individual frequency components on rotating shafts and here is where full spectrum steps in.
Calculation type
- Block history - uses blocks to calculate
- Single value
Calculation parameters
- Window (Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming, Flat Top, Triangle and Blackman)
- Segment length (number of smaples used)
DC cutoff
To remove DC or low-frequency components, select from a drop-down list the DC cutoff filter - lower limit.
Overlap defines the percentage of time signal that has already been calculated and it is used again for calculation.